Portugal Trip 2022 – Day 6

Faro & Lagos Portugal, May 30 2022

We checked out of our AirBnB and rode the elevator of death one last time. If you want to ride along with us check out the 360º video here. https://youtu.be/mjgvrEW3YDs We walked to the train station to catch a regional train here in the Algarve from Faro to Lagos our next stop. We will miss Faro as it felt good to both myself and Mrs. Bald Traveler.

The train was supposed to leave at 12:25, but like most European times it is merely a suggestion. Being on European time the train left about 10 minutes late which was no problem for us, but I’m sure can be a problem for those expecting things to be on time. For those people I suggest going to Japan where time is measured to the second. The ride over to Faro was good we had a few delays and we had to wait for the connecting train from Lisbon to arrive at one of the stations. We got into Lagos at 14:30 (2:30 PM) about 20 minutes late which was great as google told me we had a 20 minute walk to our AirBnB for a 15:00 checkin.

We chose a modern apartment this time to see what that would be like, but it meant that we were outside of the city center. And in Lagos that meant we had a hill to climb. I’m really happy with how well Mrs. Bald Traveler is dealing with the hills as she is not a big fan of hills. We got to the AirBnB and had to wait about 15 minutes to get checked in. The AirBnB is really nice and still within a mile of the city center which is nice. Stay tuned for our room tour video coming soon. One thing was they made towel swans for us on our bed, which also is the first Queen we’ve had since we got here.

***Insert Building Pic here***

Once in and situated we went to a SuperMercado (SuperMarket) to get some breakfast and lunch foods since we have been struggling with Breakfast. This is the first place where we are here long enough that I felt safe buying some food, that will change next trip where we stay for a week or so in one place. I got to show Mrs. Bald Traveler how to work a shopping cart in Europe by putting a Euro into the handle to unlock the cart. We got some food and sparkling water and headed back up the hill to the apartment.

At around 19:30 (7:30PM) we wandered out and down to the city center/promenade with the plans to take a bolt back to our apartment on the hill. We did some window shopping and looked for some food. We settled on a seafood place and I had some of the best shrimp rice I’ve ever ordered. After an after dinner cappuccino we wandered around some more and worked our way back up the hill to our apartment from a different route that wasn’t as steep.

As we were walking back we got into a conversation of our future and how we want to proceed, we have some things to think about but this is a start for us to begin making plans in the direction that we want to go.


The Bald Traveler


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