Japan Travel Log Day 17

Travel Day 17, Tokyo, 4/7/2019

Sue was still not feeling well today so we did not do alot. I did get Sue to venture out in search of a Chiropractor as her back was hurting her. More on that later.

I got us breakfast downstairs in the hotel and I also extended our stay by a day as we were planning on spending our last night in a Capsule hotel at the airport but we felt that wasn’t the best idea as Sue was sick and we would need to be in separate areas. Oh well next trip we’ll do it.

After breakfast I went out to the department store and got some more medicine after checking for Imodium in Japan. It turns out you can get it. Check out all about what to look for in our post here on Medicine in Japan. It is 1/4 the strength of Imodium in the U.S. so I had Sue take a double dose to start. Turns out U.S. strength Imodium is prescription in Japan. This also caused me to make a International travel first aid kit which I will be selling shortly here at the bald traveler.

For lunch we tried the Ramen bar in the hotel since Sue was feeling better and she enjoyed eating real food again. After lunch we went around the local neighborhood and tried to find a Chiropractor that could speak some English and could see her, we saw a chain in Hiroshima that catered to walk in customers but could not find anything in Tokyo in our current neighborhood. We headed back to the hotel and Sue took a full U.S. dose of the medicine as it didn’t seem to have any ill effects on her.

We had plans to go to an interactive art exhibit called TeamLab Borderless today but Sue was still not feeling well so we did not go as Sue still did not want me going far. I picked Sue up dinner and I went to Skytree to grab some quick dinner for me and look for some more souvenirs. We turned in for the night hoping that Sue would feel better tomorrow as we had a reservation to ride Mario Karts in Shibuya.



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