Japan Travel Log Day 20

Travel Day 20, Tokyo – Phoenix, 4/10/2019

Today was bitter sweet as Sue and I finished packing up and left the hotel around 11:30 AM. The Moxy was a good hotel for us at the end of our stay. Jonathan decided to extend his trip so we wished him well via Text and headed out.

We walked the 2-3 blocks from the hotel to the train station in the rain. It was one of the few days it was raining in Japan while we where there. Kyoto was the other city where it rained almost every day we where there. We took the train to Skytree station and then took an express train to Narita airport. Our original plan was to stay at a Capsule hotel at the Airport but with Sue not feeling well we stayed at our hotel in Tokyo.

On arrival we were still a bit early for checking into our flight so I parked Sue near the check in counter and went and got us some food. I got some lunch for us including one last Shaka Shaka fries from McDonald’s. Narita Airport has a nice food and shopping area outside of Security to wander through.

Once the check in for our flight opened we checked our larger bags and cleared security. We did some last shopping and got some Kit Kat’s, face cleansing masks and other souvenirs. Then it was on to the lounge for some food and to relax before boarding our flight.

We flew back to Vancouver, cleared US imigration and Customs and then went to the transit lounge for a short stop before boarding the last flight to Phoenix. We got home around 7:30 PM Phoenix time and went straight to bed.

This ends the Japan 2019 Travel Log. Our next travel log will be up as we travel it.


The Bald Traveler, Dave…

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