Japan Log Day 9

Travel Day 9, Kyoto, 3/30/19:

Today Jonathan and I got up early and headed to the Golden Pagoda. You have to take a bus to get there, and we did at 7:30 for a 9 AM opening. I had read that you need to get there early to get a good photo spot. This is true but in April that would be 8 AM not 7:30. We were the first to get to the photo spot and we got our shots. Five minutes later and you could not get to the front to get a shot without fighting for it.

We then collected Sue and went walking around Gion where the Geisha work. Sue got some Souvenirs and then we went Kimono Hunting in Second hand Kimono Stores. We found out we are not sized for Kimonos. We turned in Early and Jonathan went out for a late night stroll around Kyoto.


The Bald Traveler…

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