2020 Pandemic Trip Day 7, The Return Home
October 26, 2020
August 15th 2020
We woke up today with somewhat heavy hearts, as with most trips the return is mixed with sadness to be leaving where we have been, and joy to be heading home again. We care the memories with us and leave our dreams and hopes behind. We all needed this trip to restore our sanity in these times of a pandemic. I learned a lot about not being prepared for the walking after not doing it for so long working from home, and also what I needed to do to prepare my feet for the change to minimalist shoes for travel.
Our trip home was fairly easy as it’s an easy drive from San Diego to Phoenix. We dropped off Jonathan and then went home and unpacked. I started the process of downloading video footage and replacing items I have used in my bags.
Until the next trip sometime next year,
Stay light footed, stay craving new frontiers, stay happy,
The Bald Traveler.