2020 Pandemic Trip Day 5, The San Diego Zoo and Social Distancing

August 13th, 2020

Today since I was off I woke up early to get the good morning light and did a walk around the Gaslamp district and Petco park for my Youtube Channel. You can check it out below. Please consider Subscribing to my channel and leaving a comment on the blog or the channel where you would like to see me walk around and record.

After my walk I went to Starbucks like usual and got coffee and coffee cake. Then Jonathan and I got Sue some lunch as she was still working and then packed up our gear to head out for the day,

Line at the San Diego Zoo to get screened for Covid-19 before entering.

We decided to head to the Zoo since it was operating at limited capacity and was all outside so we felt we could properly social distance in the zoo. We arrived at the Zoo and parked and walked towards the entrance. Before entering we got in a line to do a health screening. They had boxes marked off where your party needed to stand to be distanced from everyone else. They took our temperature and asked us some screening questions about how we were feeling then we were off to buy our tickets. Again waiting in line to buy your tickets they had boxes marked where you needed to stand while waiting and then they cleaned the outside of the ticket booth between each guest.

We got into the park and started wandering around to see the exhibits. Whenever Jonathan and I are alone at a place we rarely have a plan as to what to see, today was no different as we intended to see it all. This was a mistake as the Zoo is very hilly and while it does have an elevator to see everything you need to walk either up or down hills and thanks to our walk up the convention center stairs yesterday our feet were dead by the end of the day. I am currently working on walking more to get back into travel shape which I got out of due to the Covid-19 stay at home orders.

Since admission was limited we were able to socially distance and not be close to anyone else throughout the day. Using the elevator involved waiting in line in your box again and then the attendant would push the button for you and you would step inside and ride it up or down. Shops and restaurants were also limited to 10 people or less. You had to wait in line and then be admitted after someone left. Each shop also had sanitizer that you would be given to clean your hands.

We ate at the tree house cafe both Jonathan and I had the Chicken Parm Sandwich, which was very good. We also got a Souvenir fountain drink which came with free refills for the day. We filled up often and Jonathan only dropped and spilled his once. For the refills they would give you a paper cup filled with your soda and then you pored it into your cup.

We were beat by 4PM and headed home. Glad that we didn’t take Sue as she would have killed us for making her walk up and down hills as much as we did.

When we got home we rested our feet as Sue finished working then we went out to get some BBQ for dinner. The place was close by but was barely ok. We learned that San Diego is not known for their BBQ.

We got some snacks at the CVS located under where our condo was and rested for the day watching HBO MAX.


The Bald Traveler…

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