Portugal Trip 2022 Day 5

Faro, Loulé, Quarteira, Albufeira Portugal, May 29th 2022

Today started early for Susan as we left the AirBnB at 8:15am to get to the bus station to buy a pass for the regional bus. We then boarded a bus to Loulé which was a layover stop for us to get to Quarteira. We had to do a layover for two reasons we (Susan) didn’t want to get up to catch the 8:15 direct bus to Quarteira, and we couldn’t wait for the 10:15 direct bus.

When we got to Loulé we got off one stop early as everyone else got off their. when we realized this we walked to the correct station and saw a bit of the city. We realized we could rent here but probably wouldn’t want to live here, so we put it on our list to consider for later.

We then boarded the bus to Quarteria and rode to the bus terminal there. We had just over two hours to wander through the town which we spent mainly near the board walk area. We really like Quarteria and will be looking here for a possible place in the future. While in town we got a latte and cakes/tarts to tide us over until lunch at our next stop. We didn’t get lunch here as and big meal could take anywhere from an hour and half to three hours and we didn’t have the time.

Leaving Quarteria we caught the 10:15 bus from Faro I mentioned earlier and took it to Albufeira another town on the Atlantic here in the Algarve Region. This is why we couldn’t do the direct bus as we would not have any time in Quarteira to explore. Susan was doing ok on the bus up until this bus to Albufeira, which was a bit herky jerky.

We finally got to Albufeira after passing through VillaMoura which is another area we are interested in. Although we didn’t stop in Villamoura this trip we plan to on our next one. We got into Albufeira and ended up at the bus terminal, which unlike Faro and Quarteria is not near any major part of the city. So we took a Bolt into the old city center to explore.

One nice thing about Villamoura is all the golf courses that I saw going through it.

Albufeira is like most other medieval towns in that it is tight and like most coastal towns hilly. We ended up walking down a hill to find food and found a nice Italian restaurant to eat at. Susan and I split a chartreuse board and a bottle of water. The food was really good. We then decided to head back to a bust stop along the way to catch the bus back to Faro. Doing so we got to use an external escalator to get from the beach area to the top of the hill surrounding the beach. We then walked back to the stop and enjoying the weather.

We ended this part of the day riding the bus back to Faro, sue started to get motion sick which told us that taking the regional bus was probably not going to work long term and we would need a car here.

To wrap up the day we went out and got some more Italian food before heading back for the night. We will be heading out to Lagos tomorrow so it will be a day of packing back up and taking a train trip.


The Bald Traveler


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