Travel Day 10, Kyoto, 3/31/19:
Today was Raining off and on. But Sue and I managed to wander around Gion today shopping and taking photo’s of the area. We bought a hand painted Japanese Fan and some cheaper fan’s we can use for cosplay etc. We had lunch in a little coffee shop and then continued wandering around. Eventually we found a second hand Kimono store where I bought a Yucata. Not the one I wanted but since I am an LL in Japanese sizes I got what I could find. We then wandered around Machiya which is a set of preserved streets in Kyoto with the traditional houses and stores from the Meiji era.
We then moved on to our main activity of the day which was where Sue spent 35+ hours becoming a Geisha while I patiently waited. I then spent 5 whole minutes becoming a Samurai and then we posted for pictures. We wanted to do the Walk but it was cold and rainy so we just did a courtyard photo shoot instead. If anyone wants to do this when they get to Kyoto here is the place we used and the company we booked it through:…/japan-kyoto-become-a-real-…/1379

After we got done with the Geisha Photo Shoot we met up with Mariah and her Brother and went to Dinner at a Ramen Restaurant in Nishiki Market before walking down Ponto-Cho area which is a historic street on the river.
The Bald Traveler…