Travel Day 14, Tokyo, 4/4/2019

Again today started with a trip to 7/11 for breakfast and then I went to Akihabara and did some shopping. I bought some Gundams for a gift for a friend and then I got Hanko for Sue and I. Hanko are the Japanese Stamps that they use instead of a signature on official documents.

I then wandered around Asakusa and got some ceramic knives and a sharpener at Don Quijote. Asakusa has a bustling restaurant service area where you can buy chef quality knives (with the price to go with them), plates, fake food, pans, and cooking utensils (Takiyaki machines, Tayaki machines, etc). I picked up some fake food for Sue who really wanted it. And then told her we needed to find a dish to put it in.

We ended the night going to Meguro park for dinner and to see the Sakura Blossoms lit up at night along the river. It was a big street party with vendors all around.